Sunday, 17 May 2009


At the minute my head is spinning with so many thoughts - I find it hard to digested any of them. Every time I am thinking yes, done it - I can be sure another question will pop up in my head.

Last night I was lying awake in bed and I cannot even remember all the thoughts that went through my head but it kept me awake and awake. I feel like we have come off our path. I wanted to grow our own veg this year and so far all I have done is bougth the seeds. I had great visions of carrots, onions, salat, tomatoes and 0f course runner beans!

If I am lucky I will manage to get some salat growing but at the minute I feel rather depressed about it. I know some might think don't worry there will be always next year but for me it lead me to another question:WHY?

Why do I not get the things down I have planned? Is it the children? Am I not focused enough?
To be honest I don't know.....I truly don't know.


Claire said...

I am often like this, I have so many ideas, and it would be fine if I didn't have everything else to do as well! I think media has alot to do with this feeling. We are bombarded with beautiful things people have made, wonderful things people have done, and do not appreciate how long it takes for it to be done. Don't be hard on yourself.

Jacqui said...

don't worry too much, there is plenty time for salads and runner beans if you put them staight into the ground. I don't have mine planted out yet, as there can still be an odd frost up here. sow early carrots and you should get some to eat this year. Relax and enjoy it. xx

Dotty Delightful said...

you are def not alone in this, I think of loads of stuff to do every morning and feel Ive let myself down somehow when I have achieved none of them because Im always finding other thing to do, I have decieded instead of feeling unworthy to accept im a procrastinator and a faffer and enjoy things!