Friday, 22 May 2009

I can't sleep!!!

If you ask yourself why I am blogging at 12:04 PM(!) at night I cannot give you the answer.... I am tiered no doubt but my head is spinning again. This time I am busy thinking about making our own sausages. Yes you heard right! I even was thinking about curing our own bacon. I kind of mention to other half about buying a smoker for the little price of £230. Netherless to say he refused. Did I mention I don't even eat bacon...I am truly loosing my marbles.

No I am not, but again I am thinking a lot about the way we eat and espically what we eat. At times it feels like we don't eat well enough - more often than I like I have cooked pasta for the children with grated cheese on top. Don't get me wrong it's not rubbish as most of it is organic but somehow something is missing. To get back to the pasta well said children are very hard to please at the minute as there taste are so different it drives me crazy. My little E will at the minute eat nothing apart from cheese, yoghurt, a little bit pasta and of course her all favourite baked beans. She is like her dad as if I would let him he would have a can of baked beans each night with his dinner. Don't get me wrong I don't mind them but every day - no way! I am tearing my hear out as her brother on the other hand will not touch baked beans at all. I am not sure if its because there is tomatoes in them or because he was constipated with them at tender age of 1.5 year and screamed for hours in the night till we took him to the A&E. Poor thing I never will forget how the nurse told me it was not an emergency as I should calm him down and see the doctor in the morning. Oh believe me she could have gone through the phone I would...But no she had the bloody cheeck to ask me to pass the phone over to other half as I was not calm enough to talk to her!!!

Well anyway I am loosing track; said older child will not touch anything with tomatoes in it so cooking for the four of us makes it very hard at the minute. He will happily eat potatoes and carrots like they would go out of fashion but meat and tomatoes no chance. I actually have the feeling he will be a vegetarian one day as his love for animals is so big. He got in a bit of a temper today with his dad for eating a bit of pork. Well other half should respect little ones feelings and not offer him pork and tell him it's from a pig. Well thats family life for you.

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