This blog is about us as a family. I am Vanessa, mother to 2 wonderfull children and married to Phil, my rock in all the choas at times.
Monday, 14 December 2009
Feeling sad
It's been a while again since I last wrote here but life is rather upside down. After 5 weeks of us all being on and off ill seems like we have escape the all the bugs that go around and kept catching us. Phil has been gone now for 8 - 9 weeks; I think as I stopped counting after a few weeks, and its starting to get to me running the house by myself and looking after everybodys needs from children to four legged friends. All I want is a hug and somebody telling me everything will be alright. Its hard when you are trying to be strong and supporting your husband wherever he is and his damn job. Yes I need a HUG!!!
Thursday, 24 September 2009
Today I am gratefull for the fact that my two children still have a mother who will kiss them good night and cuddle them whenever they need it.
My thoughts are with the two little children who recently lost their mother. The two girls are very young - one just turned 4 and the other not even 2 years old.
My thoughts are with the two little children who recently lost their mother. The two girls are very young - one just turned 4 and the other not even 2 years old.
Tuesday, 22 September 2009
After my fantastic food experience a couple of weeks ago at the wonderfull TM Camp I am really trying to make an affort to cook more healthy. I still can taste the freshness of all the organic fresh homemade food in my mouth. Gosh I never felt so healthy for a long time. It has me inspirited to think more about our food and what we put in our body.
So I splashed out for a new book - Feeding the whole family: Cooking with whole foods. I haven't tried any of receipes yet as my attention got taken away by my dogs diet. After years of feeding them tin food I started to give them dry food last year. So far so good but I have a little sausage dog who is one of most fussy eaters in the world. So most days he would just turn his nose on the dry food and walk back into his bed. Well things had to change. So, I have embarked onto the journey of the BARF diet for dogs. Now I am grating a carrot for them every morning to mix in with their salad, cucumber and apple mix. Yes you are reading right my dogs are also eating veg now and everything is organic as well. Well mixed in with their raw meat I think they have a pretty good diet like they should have if they would live wild. Even the other half commented on how much they liked their new food and how quick it was gone!
So I splashed out for a new book - Feeding the whole family: Cooking with whole foods. I haven't tried any of receipes yet as my attention got taken away by my dogs diet. After years of feeding them tin food I started to give them dry food last year. So far so good but I have a little sausage dog who is one of most fussy eaters in the world. So most days he would just turn his nose on the dry food and walk back into his bed. Well things had to change. So, I have embarked onto the journey of the BARF diet for dogs. Now I am grating a carrot for them every morning to mix in with their salad, cucumber and apple mix. Yes you are reading right my dogs are also eating veg now and everything is organic as well. Well mixed in with their raw meat I think they have a pretty good diet like they should have if they would live wild. Even the other half commented on how much they liked their new food and how quick it was gone!
Wednesday, 26 August 2009
Was it the right decision to send him? I truly don't know. After a nearly head to head with the teacher this morning about not made homework - as boy in question was very tiered and mother in question thought playing on the floor and being a child was more important - I am really wondering if we made the right decision. Apparently everyone else in class managed to do the homework! So what...
No support from other half as usally on the schooling subject.
Feel like crying - very very miserable. When N comes out of school today we gonna have even more work to do as he forgot his homework folder yesterday and as the teacher quoted to me: "Its important that we keep up with the letters in a certain time scale"
What about a child being a child???
P.S. I am sorry if my blog feels its more a rant most times. I promise my next post will be more positive.
No support from other half as usally on the schooling subject.
Feel like crying - very very miserable. When N comes out of school today we gonna have even more work to do as he forgot his homework folder yesterday and as the teacher quoted to me: "Its important that we keep up with the letters in a certain time scale"
What about a child being a child???
P.S. I am sorry if my blog feels its more a rant most times. I promise my next post will be more positive.
Wednesday, 19 August 2009
My baby started school today! Not sure how I feel about it as last year I was very sure we would go a different route - home education was my choice but lack to support from other half made it very hard to follow through. I don't mind school but I have a problem with the long hours. Not very sure how I will feel the next couple of weeks with N being so much out of our life.
N, himself, enjoyed his first day at school. At the minute they only doing half days so not to bad. Well to be honest he is looking forward to having his lunch with his friends. Maybe me and his sister are no inspiration anymore!
On a postitve note I am looking forward to spending some 1:1 time with E as we never had much time just the two of us. I am starting a sport class with her next week. I don't think she will be a ballerina girl ever - her favourite toys are her brothers metall cars. She goes crackers if I tidy up their car carpet!
N, himself, enjoyed his first day at school. At the minute they only doing half days so not to bad. Well to be honest he is looking forward to having his lunch with his friends. Maybe me and his sister are no inspiration anymore!
On a postitve note I am looking forward to spending some 1:1 time with E as we never had much time just the two of us. I am starting a sport class with her next week. I don't think she will be a ballerina girl ever - her favourite toys are her brothers metall cars. She goes crackers if I tidy up their car carpet!
Wednesday, 12 August 2009
Hello again
It's been another long while since the last time I blogged but I have been away on holiday to see my family in Germany. Two weeks of sunshine and no rain!! Unfortunaltly Phil was not able to come with us as due to work commitment he had to stay behind. But it had its use as I came back to this:
My new tiled bathroom - yippeee!!!!
Friday, 17 July 2009
Does it not look great? Can you see the green little bits? Our new way to start the day - home made fresh smoothies with a little bit of green veg in it. This morning we had raspberries, bananas, curled parsley and cucumber. Yummy! Such a nice way to start the day esp if even make the effort to serve with french toast. Eggs laid by own hens.
Thank you Rosie, Daisy and Chocolade!
I am trying to encourage my family to eat more healthy. My head is spinning of loads of ideas and hopefully I will be able to convience all of them. Both E and N are not very keen on vegetables apart from carrots, peas and sweetcorn. What a nice way to sneak some in.
The other day I even made a smothie with spinach, rocket, bananas and strawberries. Must admit N didn't seemed overly keen on this but I will give it a try again but this time I will also add some soaked dates. Maybe this will temp him as he a bit of a sweet tooth!!
Wednesday, 15 July 2009
Tuesday, 14 July 2009
A few pictures
Finally I managed to download some the the photos I have taken the last couple of months. We went to the beach a while ago and had a brilliant time. Sometimes we got so wrapped up in the day in day out stuff as a family we forget to go out and enjoying ourselfs in the amazing countryside which is just at our doorstep.

Sunday, 12 July 2009
It's been a long while
since I last posted. I have got a lot of photos which I hope I will be able to work out to onload onto here.
Looks like we might be moving again - this time throught choice as such or not. Phil will be off again for a long time and after just going throught it last year I feel I am not strong enought to do it without family. We have no close family around us and it's one thing to hold everything together but just the thought of having long winter months and christmas up here is dreading me with fear.
I do feel guilty as N was about to start school with all his friends and he is settled here but I am not. Don't get me wrong I do love my house but at times I still wonder if I ever will warm to the town where we live in. E is too small - she is happy wherever I am and her brother. Phil seems to go through phases where he understands and supports my decision but also has moments where he acts like a little boy stamping his feet in the ground. The last couple of weeks have been very stressful as we didn't know what would be happened or not. But now with work telling Phil the decision at least we all can come to terms with it and trying to accept it.
Looks like we might be moving again - this time throught choice as such or not. Phil will be off again for a long time and after just going throught it last year I feel I am not strong enought to do it without family. We have no close family around us and it's one thing to hold everything together but just the thought of having long winter months and christmas up here is dreading me with fear.
I do feel guilty as N was about to start school with all his friends and he is settled here but I am not. Don't get me wrong I do love my house but at times I still wonder if I ever will warm to the town where we live in. E is too small - she is happy wherever I am and her brother. Phil seems to go through phases where he understands and supports my decision but also has moments where he acts like a little boy stamping his feet in the ground. The last couple of weeks have been very stressful as we didn't know what would be happened or not. But now with work telling Phil the decision at least we all can come to terms with it and trying to accept it.
Friday, 22 May 2009
As I just mentioned N loves for animals I think I have to write also about our new member of the family: Sally! Well Sally is a garden snail! At the minute she lives in the old fishtank in N's room upstairs. Last year we had 6 snails in the end as N was on a rescue mission, so I wait and see how many he can talk me into this year!!??
I can't sleep!!!
If you ask yourself why I am blogging at 12:04 PM(!) at night I cannot give you the answer.... I am tiered no doubt but my head is spinning again. This time I am busy thinking about making our own sausages. Yes you heard right! I even was thinking about curing our own bacon. I kind of mention to other half about buying a smoker for the little price of £230. Netherless to say he refused. Did I mention I don't even eat bacon...I am truly loosing my marbles.
No I am not, but again I am thinking a lot about the way we eat and espically what we eat. At times it feels like we don't eat well enough - more often than I like I have cooked pasta for the children with grated cheese on top. Don't get me wrong it's not rubbish as most of it is organic but somehow something is missing. To get back to the pasta well said children are very hard to please at the minute as there taste are so different it drives me crazy. My little E will at the minute eat nothing apart from cheese, yoghurt, a little bit pasta and of course her all favourite baked beans. She is like her dad as if I would let him he would have a can of baked beans each night with his dinner. Don't get me wrong I don't mind them but every day - no way! I am tearing my hear out as her brother on the other hand will not touch baked beans at all. I am not sure if its because there is tomatoes in them or because he was constipated with them at tender age of 1.5 year and screamed for hours in the night till we took him to the A&E. Poor thing I never will forget how the nurse told me it was not an emergency as I should calm him down and see the doctor in the morning. Oh believe me she could have gone through the phone I would...But no she had the bloody cheeck to ask me to pass the phone over to other half as I was not calm enough to talk to her!!!
Well anyway I am loosing track; said older child will not touch anything with tomatoes in it so cooking for the four of us makes it very hard at the minute. He will happily eat potatoes and carrots like they would go out of fashion but meat and tomatoes no chance. I actually have the feeling he will be a vegetarian one day as his love for animals is so big. He got in a bit of a temper today with his dad for eating a bit of pork. Well other half should respect little ones feelings and not offer him pork and tell him it's from a pig. Well thats family life for you.
No I am not, but again I am thinking a lot about the way we eat and espically what we eat. At times it feels like we don't eat well enough - more often than I like I have cooked pasta for the children with grated cheese on top. Don't get me wrong it's not rubbish as most of it is organic but somehow something is missing. To get back to the pasta well said children are very hard to please at the minute as there taste are so different it drives me crazy. My little E will at the minute eat nothing apart from cheese, yoghurt, a little bit pasta and of course her all favourite baked beans. She is like her dad as if I would let him he would have a can of baked beans each night with his dinner. Don't get me wrong I don't mind them but every day - no way! I am tearing my hear out as her brother on the other hand will not touch baked beans at all. I am not sure if its because there is tomatoes in them or because he was constipated with them at tender age of 1.5 year and screamed for hours in the night till we took him to the A&E. Poor thing I never will forget how the nurse told me it was not an emergency as I should calm him down and see the doctor in the morning. Oh believe me she could have gone through the phone I would...But no she had the bloody cheeck to ask me to pass the phone over to other half as I was not calm enough to talk to her!!!
Well anyway I am loosing track; said older child will not touch anything with tomatoes in it so cooking for the four of us makes it very hard at the minute. He will happily eat potatoes and carrots like they would go out of fashion but meat and tomatoes no chance. I actually have the feeling he will be a vegetarian one day as his love for animals is so big. He got in a bit of a temper today with his dad for eating a bit of pork. Well other half should respect little ones feelings and not offer him pork and tell him it's from a pig. Well thats family life for you.
Sunday, 17 May 2009
Me - the handy man mama!!!
Finished off another 2 panels for our chicken walk in run. Not bad, isn't it? So far I have managed 6 panels; just another 6 to go....
I really hope Rosie, Daisy and Chocolade will like their new home once I have finished and painted the run. I also plan to get them one of these fancy eglus - well if I ever save enough.
I am not sure if I will get the right colour - I have this vision of palemintgreen in my head. Hmmm we will see....
I really hope Rosie, Daisy and Chocolade will like their new home once I have finished and painted the run. I also plan to get them one of these fancy eglus - well if I ever save enough.
I am not sure if I will get the right colour - I have this vision of palemintgreen in my head. Hmmm we will see....
At the minute my head is spinning with so many thoughts - I find it hard to digested any of them. Every time I am thinking yes, done it - I can be sure another question will pop up in my head.
Last night I was lying awake in bed and I cannot even remember all the thoughts that went through my head but it kept me awake and awake. I feel like we have come off our path. I wanted to grow our own veg this year and so far all I have done is bougth the seeds. I had great visions of carrots, onions, salat, tomatoes and 0f course runner beans!
If I am lucky I will manage to get some salat growing but at the minute I feel rather depressed about it. I know some might think don't worry there will be always next year but for me it lead me to another question:WHY?
Why do I not get the things down I have planned? Is it the children? Am I not focused enough?
To be honest I don't know.....I truly don't know.
Last night I was lying awake in bed and I cannot even remember all the thoughts that went through my head but it kept me awake and awake. I feel like we have come off our path. I wanted to grow our own veg this year and so far all I have done is bougth the seeds. I had great visions of carrots, onions, salat, tomatoes and 0f course runner beans!
If I am lucky I will manage to get some salat growing but at the minute I feel rather depressed about it. I know some might think don't worry there will be always next year but for me it lead me to another question:WHY?
Why do I not get the things down I have planned? Is it the children? Am I not focused enough?
To be honest I don't know.....I truly don't know.
Thursday, 14 May 2009
Well , finally my first post. I set up the blog a long time ago but never really got around to write or post anything. Sometimes the lack of time or just being tiered after a long day with my children and my furry "babies".
So what can I write about myself. Not much as my life is pretty boring most of the times but I am happy with it so it can't be that wrong!
Well certain furry "babies" are driving me nuts at the minute as there is always someone that wants to be fed or watered or be let out. Or even if they all are sleeping and contened there is still the tidying up after them. Lately I notice its always me who does tidies up after them!
Well this entry was not really ment to be about tidying up after my animals but I am very new to the blogging so bear with me untill I will find my feet and post about more important things.
So what can I write about myself. Not much as my life is pretty boring most of the times but I am happy with it so it can't be that wrong!
Well certain furry "babies" are driving me nuts at the minute as there is always someone that wants to be fed or watered or be let out. Or even if they all are sleeping and contened there is still the tidying up after them. Lately I notice its always me who does tidies up after them!
Well this entry was not really ment to be about tidying up after my animals but I am very new to the blogging so bear with me untill I will find my feet and post about more important things.
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