Friday 17 July 2009

A man and his dog!


Does it not look great? Can you see the green little bits? Our new way to start the day - home made fresh smoothies with a little bit of green veg in it. This morning we had raspberries, bananas, curled parsley and cucumber. Yummy! Such a nice way to start the day esp if even make the effort to serve with french toast. Eggs laid by own hens.
Thank you Rosie, Daisy and Chocolade!
I am trying to encourage my family to eat more healthy. My head is spinning of loads of ideas and hopefully I will be able to convience all of them. Both E and N are not very keen on vegetables apart from carrots, peas and sweetcorn. What a nice way to sneak some in.
The other day I even made a smothie with spinach, rocket, bananas and strawberries. Must admit N didn't seemed overly keen on this but I will give it a try again but this time I will also add some soaked dates. Maybe this will temp him as he a bit of a sweet tooth!!

Wednesday 15 July 2009


Where are you?
Why have you left me?
I need you back ....

Tuesday 14 July 2009

Beautiful countryside

How do I miss it each time I have to leave....

More pictures...

... from the beach!! Here he is again enjoying himself on the beach - Whiskey!

A few pictures

Finally I managed to download some the the photos I have taken the last couple of months. We went to the beach a while ago and had a brilliant time. Sometimes we got so wrapped up in the day in day out stuff as a family we forget to go out and enjoying ourselfs in the amazing countryside which is just at our doorstep.

Sunday 12 July 2009

It's been a long while

since I last posted. I have got a lot of photos which I hope I will be able to work out to onload onto here.

Looks like we might be moving again - this time throught choice as such or not. Phil will be off again for a long time and after just going throught it last year I feel I am not strong enought to do it without family. We have no close family around us and it's one thing to hold everything together but just the thought of having long winter months and christmas up here is dreading me with fear.

I do feel guilty as N was about to start school with all his friends and he is settled here but I am not. Don't get me wrong I do love my house but at times I still wonder if I ever will warm to the town where we live in. E is too small - she is happy wherever I am and her brother. Phil seems to go through phases where he understands and supports my decision but also has moments where he acts like a little boy stamping his feet in the ground. The last couple of weeks have been very stressful as we didn't know what would be happened or not. But now with work telling Phil the decision at least we all can come to terms with it and trying to accept it.